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Sorry to spam the list, I mean I can't get 5.3.4 (latest Lua) to compile on Android, while 5.3.0 has no issue.

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 11:43 AM, seibelj <> wrote:
Hi Friends,

I have no problems compiling 5.3.0, but for the life of me cannot get it to
compile with any combination of flags and luaconf.settings.

For 5.3.0, my has:

LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DLUA_DL_DLOPEN -D"l_getlocaledecpoint()='.'" -DLUA_ANSI
LOCAL_LDLIBS    := -lm -ldl

And this compiles without issue, and can be used in my Android app. Did
Francois' patch not get merged? Even using his patches directly did not fix
the compilation problems. In case it matters, I cross-compile on macOS using
a standalone NDK toolchain for armeabi-v7a only.

James Seibel

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