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It was thus said that the Great Dirk Laurie once stated:
> Which of the following uses is in your opinion good style?
> - local a,r,k,n = 10000.0, 5.2, 12, 5   -- initializing locals
> - local a,r,k,n = 10000,0                    -- initializing only some
> - local sort, open, min = table.sort,, math.min  -- caching
> library functions
> - a,b,c = b,c,a                             -- permuting values
> - x,t = x+dx, t+dt                        -- updating related values
> - name,cases,fct = "John", {2,5,6},myfunc   -- defining unrelated values
> - local a1,a2,[[...,]]a256 = 1,1,[[...,]1  -- trying to crash the interpreter

  I only use multiple assignments in one line for two cases:

	permuting values (and then, it's usually only a swap of two values)
	when a function returns more than one value

For everything else, I tend to use one variable per line.  I tend to like
vertical code layouts (it comes from years of assembly language
