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On Fri, 27 Jan 2017 06:10:53 +0200, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> 2017-01-27 2:57 GMT+02:00 nobody <>:
> > On 2017-01-25 05:54, nobody wrote:
> > So I started to go through all functions on the Lua side... got bored in
> > the packackge & io library and then put it aside.  I initially started
> > with 5.3.3 some time ago, now checked the diffs & some functions from
> > each category so it should be up-to-date with 5.3.4-rc3 (but I'm not
> > 100% certain).
> I'm not much of a C person (less than 50000 lines of code ever written,
> I guess) so this may be a stupid question.
> Does C99 (which quietly but Makefile-ly has become the standard for
> Lua 5.3 source) offer string function improvements that could be useful
> for avoiding these C-isms?

C99 does not bring anything new to the table regarding NULL-handling in
“strings” (there is no strings in C, just arrays of “char”). None of the
string-handling functions from the standard library received changes in
that regard.


🎩 Adrián

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