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2016-12-26 23:57 GMT+01:00 luciano de souza <>:
> Unfortunately, this approach is not possible for me.
> I have a big number of forms saved in a Excel sheet.
> The name and the last name will be in a fixed position, for example, ""b3".
> For each data, I have a mapped position. What I want is to read all
> sheets and consolidate the result.
> In other words, I really need to read the sheet in a batch process.

You *can* use LibreOffice in a batch process. In Bash:

  tmpdir=$(mktemp --directory)
  soffice "-env:UserInstallation=file://""$tmpdir""/soffice" \
          --headless --invisible --convert-to csv "$xslfile"

The "-env:UserInstallation=..." part is to ensure that LibreOffice
will not use the GUI even if there is an instance of LibreOffice with
GUI already running.