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2016-11-24 22:03 GMT+01:00 David Given <>:
> On 23/11/16 21:35, Soni L. wrote:
>> It's usually called "someone else".
> Thanks, but I was rather hoping for something that didn't involve so
> much interpreted Lua; it's not that I'm worried about the size, but
> performance is important here.
> And I don't have LPEG.
> I'm tending towards the compile-and-execute method right now, actually.
> It's ugly, but it's also a reasonably trusted environment, and it would
> let me combine it with some other code (for parsing numbers and booleans).

I personally use dofile/loadstring for that kind of things. If you're
afraid you can add some basic safety checks, like making sure the
string starts and end with double quote, and doesn't contain any
unescaped double quote.