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On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 6:37 PM, Peter Aronoff <> wrote:
> When people write C bindings for a library like discount that is not
> a standard system library (i.e., you wouldn’t expect users already to have
> it installed), do people generally prefer to bundle a version of the
> C library with the Lua bindings or to leave that to the user?

Depends on how complicated the library is. I maintain two libraries
which have C bindings, luaharfbuzz[1] and luaucdn[2]. Harfbuzz[3] is
actually C++ and complicated to install, so I do not bundle it with
the library and expect users to install it themselves. But ucdn[4] is
just a C file along with a header file, so I bundle it in.

In the case of discount, my preference would be to bundle it in. It
seems simple enough.
