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2016-11-16 20:43 GMT+08:00 Javier Guerra Giraldez <>:
> On 16 November 2016 at 04:32, Xavier Wang <> wrote:
>> In my code lifetime, these things are very normal in
>> writing Lua codes, but with something about Json Path[3],
>> it could be done in a very simple way:
>> ```
>>     local result = table.match(sheetData,
>>         [[ $[?(@.tag=="row")][?(@.tag=="c")] ]])
>> ```
> i wrote a similar thing for xml long ago:
> basically it's (was?) a syntax to traverse the lua tables produced by LuaExpat
> now i see i didn't publish it then... wonder if it's still somewhere
> --
> Javier

Compared Lua patterns, your l4x things just like lpeg :-P

It's also worth to discuss about which is better: to implement it like
lpeg, or to implement it like a DSL (just as string patterns)?

Xavier Wang.