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Am 10.11.2016 um 16:44 schröbte Daurnimator:

In a large number of C bindings, people end up writing a __tostring
that simply does what I mentioned. e.g.


For the record: I do that as well for some of my libraries. But I usually strip prefixes because I use `modulename.typename` for `luaL_newmetatable()` to minimize conflicts and I want to keep the output of `__tostring` significantly smaller than the length of a terminal line.

For those that don't, they often end up doing a poor imitation (e.g.
using a delimiter other than ": ", or surrounding in some token).
Which results in unnecessary non-uniformity.

Lua file handles currently use "file (0xdeadbeef)" (i.e. no colon but extra parentheses). So that would be "fixed" as a bonus ...
