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On 3 November 2016 at 16:22, Russell Haley <> wrote:
> Hi,
> As I was flipping around I noticed that both LuaForge and LuaRocks
> came out of the kepler project. Is LuaForge still a valid resource?


LuaForge was shut down many years ago (2010), the site is frozen with
the final contents around that time.

> Is it still maintained?

There are still people you can contact about the archive site if you
had a page there, typically to ask to take outdated content down. No
new content is uploaded.

> I know there are packages in LuaForge that aren't
> in LuaRocks but I'm curious as to the sites maintenance and future
> plans.

The are no future plans. Right after the shutdown there was an
committe effort to make a next-gen LuaForge but it didn't go far.
Nowadays *Forge sites are a relic of another era, anyway.

The source repositories were ported to Github and handed over as
developers contacted the previous maintainers of the site. That is,
projects that were not handed over are most likely abandoned (the
heyday of LuaForge was around the time of Lua 5.0).

Lest this message sound too grim, I'll end it in a positive note: I'm
happy to say that all the fun nowadays is at, which is
alive and kickin'! :)

-- Hisham