Hello everyone,
I am happy to announce version 1.0.0 of elasticsearch-lua, the Lua interface to Elasticsearch.
Elasticsearch[1] is a distributed, scalable and full-text search engine based on Lucene. It is presently ranked 1[2] in the category of 'Search engines'. Elasticsearch is used in a number of companies such as Ebay, Verizon, Symantec, Netflix, Cisco, CERN, Facebook, Microsoft, Mozilla, Adobe, IBM, Github, etc.[3]
elasticsearch-lua[4] is a client for Elasticsearch written for the Lua programming language. I completed it as part of GSOC'16 with my mentor Pablo Musa.
- Support for complete functionality with Elasticsearch 2.4.1 such as:
- Indexing documents
- Retrieving documents
- Searching within documents
- Updating/deleting documents
- Performing operations in 'bulk'
- Proper load balancing across all nodes.
- Pluggable and multiple connection, selection strategies and connection pool.
elasticsearch-lua is compatible with Lua version > 5.1
Basic Usage:
-- Install
luarocks install elasticsearch
local elasticsearch = require "elasticsearch"
local client = elasticsearch.client()
local data, err = client:search{
index = "my_index",
type = "my_type",
body = {
query = {
match = {
my_key = "my_param"
elasticsearch-lua is MIT licensed. Contributions in any form are welcome!