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Hi all,

PLE is a small terminal editor written in pure Lua for Unix.

ple.lua is self-contained. It doesn't require any additional Lua or C
extension library. Like linenoise, it doesn't use ncurses nor
terminfo/termcap. It uses directly common ANSI sequences and should
work at least on xterm, rxvt and the Linux console.

The only dependencies are Lua 5.3 and the unix command stty, required
to put the terminal in raw mode,

PLE is not intended to compete with large established editors (emacs,
vim) or smaller ones (joe, zile) or, for example in the Lua world, the
sophisticated Textadept with a ncurse interface. PLE is rather
intended to be used with a statically compiled Lua in the sort of
environment where busybox is usually found.

Please note that PLE is a _Work in Progress_. It is not intended to be
used for anything serious, at least for the moment!

See the repository readme file for the current editor's limitations.

As of today PLE is 35 KBytes.


The ANSI terminal Lua functions included in PLE could be useful for
other terminal applications, so they have been made available as a
distinct module, PLTerm

It includes all the basic functions to display strings in various
colors, move the cursor, erase lines, read keys and handle the
terminal mode.

The input function can read and parse the ANSI sequences sent by
function keys (arrows, F1-F12, insert, delete, etc. -- see table
'term.keys' in plterm.lua).


All this is BSD-licensed. Feel free to fork and run with it!

All suggestions, bug reports and contributions are welcome.
