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> On 4 Oct 2016, at 0:04, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> It was thus said that the Great Mike Jones once stated:
>> Hi,
>> I am working on a project where I have basically an event style
>> framework, and I would like some way to "chain together" functions. 
>  I dug through my archives and I found the following bit of code (cleaned
> up---I was starting to learn Lua):
> 	function fappend(f1,f2)
> 	  return function(...)
> 	    return f2(f1(...))
> 	  end
> 	end

It might be a good idea to handle cases in which f1 or f2 are undefined:

      function fappend(f1, f2)
        if f1 ~= nil and f2 ~= nil then return function(...) return f2(f1(...)) end
        elseif f1 ~= nil then return f1
        else return f2

(And maybe also calling the function “compose” would be more indicative of its intent.)
