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On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Jerome Vuarand
<> wrote:
> 2016-09-28 6:51 GMT+01:00 Sean Conner <>:
>>   You already have a parser available to you---Lua.  If the config file is
>> just what you said:
>>         a=series
>>         of=key
>>         value=pairs
>> A small change:
> You don't need to change the syntax to use the Lua parser for that.
> With a metatable on the _ENV, you can have global variable reads
> (__index) return the variable name, so that series is the same as
> "series". This only works with valid Lua variable names, but that
> covers a lot of ground and you can fall back to quotes for the rest.

Metatables are on my "I promise to learn that 'soon'" list... lol
