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It was thus said that the Great Phil Leblanc once stated:
> I have added a rockspec to my small NaCl module [1]
> [1]
> This is my first time with Luarocks and making a rockspec, so let me
> know if anything is wrong or not idiomatic.
> Also, I am confused about the rockspec being tied to a specific tag.
> - do I need to create a new tag and a new rockspec each time I change
> something?

  Yes.  In order for dependencies to be tracked correctly, you should create
a new rockspec when any changes to the code are made.  There's nothing to
enforce this (to my knowledge) though.

> - is there a way to create a rockspec for "the last version" (master HEAD)

  You can do this with luarocks itself ("luarocks new_version") but I
personally don't use that.  I find it's just as easy to make the few changes
required in the rockspec.

> - should rockspecs be defined only for _stable_ versions?

  That's up to you.  I try to strive for that.

> How do you handle this in practice?

  When I'm ready to make a new release, the last thing I do is update the
rockspec (change the filename, version and source.tag field), commit that
change and create a new tag.  I try to use semantic versioning [1] for
version numbers and so far, I think I'm successful.  You can check out a few
of my modules to see how I do it [2].


