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On 07/08/16 05:55 AM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
2016-08-07 6:58 GMT+02:00 Tim Hill <drtimhill@gmail.com>:table.len = function(t) return #t endBut table.frontier = function(t) local mt = getmetatable(t) local len = #setmetatable(t) setmetatable(t,mt) return len end is less trivial, and sufficiently cumbersome to jusitfy implementation at a lower level.
How about table.len = function(t)assert(type(t) == "table", "bad argument #1 to 'len' (table expected, got "..type(t)..")")
return #t end -- Disclaimer: these emails may be made public at any given time, with or without reason. If you don't agree with this, DO NOT REPLY.