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On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 7:45 PM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> It was thus said that the Great Soni L. once stated:
>> Well... I did expect you to at least read the comments in the code:
>   It helps to be more explicit.
>>     + lpeg.P("\\") * lpeg.P(function(_, i)
>>         error("Unknown backslash escape at position " .. i) -- this error() is what I wanna get rid of.
>>       end)
>   First off, lpeg.P(function) and lpeg.Cmt(P(true),function) are
> functionally the same.  And in the code I presented:
>              + lpeg.P"\\" * lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.Carg(1) * lpeg.C(1),
>                                       function(subject,pos,e,c)
>                                         table.insert(e,"Bad escape " .. c)
>                                         return nil
>                                       end)
> I did generate a "dynamic error string" as you wanted.  Okay, it wasn't the
> same verbiage, but that's a simple change:
>              + lpeg.P"\\" * lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.Carg(1) * lpeg.C(1),
>                                       function(subject,pos,e,c)
>                                         table.insert(
>                                           e,
>                                           string.format(
>                                             "Unknown backslash escape '\\%s' at position %d",
>                                             c,
>                                             pos
>                                          ))
>                                         return nil
>                                       end)
> (I did you one better by being even more dynamic!  But I digress)
>   The whole reason for lpeg.Carg() is to preserve the error message.
> lpeg.Cmt() is a "match-time compile" and a match returning nil doesn't mean
> the expression is aborted---it just means that particular part of the
> expression fails.  For example:
>         pat = lpeg.P"a" * (lpeg.P"b" + lpeg.P"c")
>         x   = pat:match "ac"
> "a" matches, so we get to the second half of the pat expression.  The first
> part, lpeg.P"b" fails, and it returns nil.  But since we have an
> alternative (the '+' operator) we check the next alternative and get a
> non-nil result (a match) so the entire expression matches.  The following:
>         x = pat:match "ad"
> fails entirely.  The first part matches ('a') but the second half fails both
> parts (it's not 'b' or 'c') so that subexpression returns nil, and since
> there isn't an alternative, the expression as a whole fails.  I'm going into
> detail here for a reason.  Now, let's change the expression a bit:
>         pat = lpeg.P"a"
>             * (
>                 lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P(1),function(subject,position,capture)
>                                      if capture == 'b' then
>                                        return position
>                                      else
>                                        return nil,"invalid input " .. capture
>                                      end
>                                    end
>                 )
>                 + lpeg.P"c"
>              )
>   Yes, it's a bit harder to read, but I replaced lpeg.P"b" with a match-time
> capture such that if it isn't 'b', returns nil and a supposed error message.
> If you run:
>         x = pat:match "ac"
> you won't see the error message.  Heck, if you run
>         x = pat:match "ad"
> you won't see the error message (nor will you for pat:match"a").  That's
> because LPeg appears to ignore any results past the first nil.  It seems to
> contradict this bit of the LPeg documentation:
>         Any extra values returned by the function become the values produced
>         by the capture.
> but hey, sometimes you have to do emperical tests and go with how the code
> reacts and maybe send a message to the LPeg authors to maybe clarify the
> issue.
>   In any case, that's why I went with lpeg.Carg(), to preserve the error
> message.  Yes, it sucks that you can't do what you want with LPeg.  Are
> there better ways?  Perhaps.  It's something you'll have to experiment with.
> Perhaps change LPeg if the authors don't see fit to add the functionality
> you want (to be fair, error handling in parsers has traditionally been
> poor; for a real horror show, try lex and yacc).
>   Could I have better presented the choice I made?  Yes.  Could you have
> been a bit less terse (and coming across as demanding)?  Yes.  We're both at
> fault here.
>   -spc (Just remember that any code presented as a possible solution to your
>         problem will have to be modified to fit in with your current
>         solution)

In spite of the acrimonious nature of this thread, holy crap is this
good stuff! There have been a few times that I've wanted to provide
better exception handling in my lpeg constructs. I especially
appreciate the `lpeg.Carg` examples. When I was learning lpeg, I don't
believe that I ever fully understood them.

Andrew Starks