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> > > <snip>
> > > BTW, is it guaranteed that the assignment order goes from RIGHT to
> > > LEFT (I verified this in Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, LuaJIT), or is it
> > > "undefined behavior"?
> >
> > It is not undefined behavior at all.
> > <snip>
> > It is like in C, which does not specify the order of evaluation of
> > expressions in argument lists in function calls.
> You actually prove my point here. The C standard *does* say that the
> order is "unspecified". [...]

Check your words. "unspecified behavior" (what the C standard says) is
different from "undefined behavior" (what you asked about). Lhf is
correct in saying that the behavior is not undefined, even though it is

About the manual itself: there are infinite things that Lua does not do
but the manual fails to mention. So, if the manual does not define in
what order __newindex metamethods in multiple assignments are called,
it is safe to assume that the order is unspecified, even if the manual
does not say that.

-- Roberto