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On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Javier Guerra Giraldez
<> wrote:
> nice.  Can I specify LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH, instead of having to live
> with the tree sturcture?  I don't mind if it needs it for compiling,
> or bookkeeping; I just want to get the final scripts/libs on
> easy-to-actually-use directories.

Why does it matter where libs go as long as they are in

> now, i haven't checked every environment manager out there, so maybe
> somebody has done this already?  The main point is: don't use, modify,
> depend, or care about, some "system" or "user" environment, just a
> "project"

You can create an environment for each project, and for each Lua
version if you want to.

> mkdir myproj; cd myproj
> hererocks .lua53 -l5.3 -rlatest
> source .lua53/bin/activate
> luarocks install ...

(Generally you can't reuse modules for different Lua versions because
of C modules).

-- Peter