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On 6/30/16, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:
> Which version of 5.1 do you mean?

I downloaded the tarball from:

> The manual in and in the tarball should be almost identical

This "almost identical" is a huge time waster. Let me explain:

Since I couldn't see 'lua_isnoneornil' in my documentation (from the
tarball) I concluded that Lua 5.1 doesn't have it. So I embarked on
writing my own implementation for it. Since I want to cover the cases
where it's implemented (in later Lua version) as either a macro or
function I also have to add a feature test to ''
(autotools). I also need to test that my setup compiles correctly on
all Lua versions.

So, while for you it's "almost identical", for a programmer it means a
difference of a couple extra hours of work.

At the moment I don't know what other functions are missing from the
documentation in the tarball (one can't know just from a cursory