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On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:
> Fortunately, "alert" is configurable enough to do what you want.
> "alert" already supports "zenity" and can easily support other
> dialog-like utilities.

You didn't mention this in your original post. ;)

It seems that you didn't read the README file
and probably didn't test the project yourself before starting to criticize :-)

The main aspect is that they open something that's obviously a dialog
box that can be interacted with using the keyboard or the mouse. It's
visually going to be closer to the original function you're imitating.
Having a big terminal window with a single line of text show up...

I am imitating functionality, not the visual style of standard dialog box.
Personally I feel native dialog boxes quite boring.

Just download the project and run "example.lua".
You will see that terminal window size is not constant,
it can have one of 16 background colors (which is impossible with dialog-like utilities),
all that create good aesthetic perception.

Maybe you will change your mind about "which alternative is better"  :-)
Or, maybe you will find something else to criticize.
Both variants are OK :-)