On 30/05/16 06:56 PM, Jonne Ransijn wrote:
function try(func) local catchers = {} local finalizers = {} return { catch = function(self, handle) catchers[#catchers+1] = handle return self end, finally = function(self, handle) finalizers[#finalizers+1] = handle return self end, run = function(self) local ok, err = pcall(func) if not ok then for n=1,#catchers do ok, err = pcall(catchers[n], err) if not ok then break end end end for n=1,#finalizers do local ok,2 err2 = pcall(finalizers[n])
if ok then ok = ok2 err = err2 end end if not ok then error(err, 0) end end } end --------------- function genlog(s) print(s) error(s) end try(genlog "A") :catch(genlog "B") :catch(genlog "C") :finally(genlog "D") :finally(genlog "E") :run()
Wouldn't genlog error as soon as you call it?
Wait why am I doing code reviews here again? .-. At least you tried, and proved your point: try(-catch)?(-finally)? isn't needed.Prints: A B D E D -- To stderr But in the end it is just a design decision.
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