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It was thus said that the Great Egor Skriptunoff once stated:
> Hi!
> I want to share simple program that determines Lua version.
> local f, t = function()return function()end end, {nil,
>    [false]  = 'Lua 5.1',
>    [true]   = 'Lua 5.2',
>    [1/'-0'] = 'Lua 5.3',
>    [1]      = 'LuaJIT' }
> local version = t[1] or t[1/0] or t[f()==f()]


  I couldn't resist writing my own version.  

local version = ({Q="Lua 5.1",R="Lua 5.2",S="Lua 5.3"})[
        ("").dump(function() end):sub(5,5)]

  Mine relies upon strings still having a metatable.
