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On 26 April 2016 at 11:55, Daurnimator <> wrote:
> I had a report that some of my code was failing in the nb_NO-utf8 locale:
> Indeed, `tonumber` behaves differently depending on locale:
> $ lua -e 'os.setlocale("nb_NO.utf-8") print(tonumber("1.0"))'
> nil
> $ lua -e 'os.setlocale("nb_NO.utf-8") print(tonumber("1,0"))'
> 1,0
> However it *doesn't* affect lua parsing; which seems to be against the manual.
> From
>> The conversion of strings can result in integers or floats, according to the lexical conventions
>> of Lua (see §3.1). (The string may have leading and trailing spaces and a sign.)
> $ lua -e 'os.setlocale("nb_NO.utf-8") print(load([[return 1.0]])())'
> 1,0
> $ lua -e 'os.setlocale("nb_NO.utf-8") print(load([[return 1,0]])())'
> 1 0
> This leaves me with the question of how to deserialise a floating
> point number within a lua library (where I can't control the locale of
> the application).
> Normally I'd write something like:
>     local mystring = "some protocol 1.0"
>     local version = mystring:match("(%d+%.%d*)") --> version == "1.0"
>     version = tonumber(version) --> version == 1.0
> Or using lpeg:
>     local digit = lpeg.R "09"
>     local version_patt = digit^1 * lpeg.P "." * digit^0 / tonumber
>     local parser = something * version_patt
>     local version = parser:match "some protocol 1.0" --> version == 1.0
> But this doesn't work in some locales :(
> What do other people do? and is there a good solution?

I had a look into how lua does this locale independently and found
this function:
==> if parsing in the current locale fails, it tries replacing "."
with whatever the current locale's decimal separator is.
This means was suprising to me and has a number of consequences:
  - Using a seperator such as "," is impossible in the first place as:
      -  A number has 'ended' if it doesn't match: `else if
(ls->current == '.')` in
      - Numbers without a leading zero using a non-"." separator (e.g.
,2) would never work due to the `case '.'` in the lexer.
  - If running in a locale where '.' is not the decimal separator,
parsing lua could result in *many* calls to `localeconv`.
  - localeconv is not threadsafe, which means that if another thread
changes the locale while lua is parsing, "interesting" results could

I'd suggest that future versions of lua use 'strtod_l' and friends
(the locale independent variants) where available, and only fall back
to the `localeconv` hack if compiling in C89 mode.
  - strtod_l is available on linux (at least both glibc and musl) if
_GNU_SOURCE is defined
  - _strtod_l is available in MSVC since VS2005
  - strtod_l is available on OSX since Darwin 8.
  - strtod_l is available on FreeBSD since 9.1

Fixing lua_str2number to be locale independent will:
  - allow the `trydecpoint` hack to be removed from llex.c
  - fix tonumber() to *not* be locale dependant.