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2016-03-20 9:24 GMT+08:00 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <>:
> I'm probably missing something but doesn't package.loadlib do what you want?
> It'll find any symbol you ask but of course you can only use those that
> are lua_CFunctions.

Sorry for my misunderstand words. I'm not want to *load* a module and
find a symbol as a Lua C function, I want just *find* symbol from
currently loaded modules!

e.g. I have build a custom lua.exe by only build it with extra C
sources, say path.c, miniz.c, and boot.c. they all export luaopen_
functions. after that, when my script run require "path", Lua will
find preload "path" module, and Lua module path.lua, and C module, after all, it finds luaopen_path in currenty host
program, and it finds out it. so the module is loaded.

or, my project has severals lua script embedded into my program, I
just compile these into .c file:
#define LUA_LIB
#include <lua.h>
LUALIB_API int luaopen_<scriptname>(lua_State *L) {
  size_t chunksize = <chunksize>;
  const char *chunk = ".....";

you can just build this .c file into your host program, you can use
require to load this embedded Lua module, not need any register
things. because the symbol luaopen_<scriptname> is already in your

In this way, if you want debug module not loaded defaultly, just
remove it out of linit.c list, and you can require "debug" to load it,
not modify any other things.

to load these functions, you should use GetModuleHandle(NULL) or
dlopen(NULL) on Windows or Linux, but we can not do this by loadlib or

what I want is when I compile a exe, I just add a source file that
export a Lua library function (luaopen_whatever), and I can require

It just like preload table, but it's not a table, it just find symbols
in currently loaded module and current host program, not from a
unloaded module.

it can be called Cbuiltin searcher, so the default list is: preload,
Lua, C, Croot, and Cbuiltin.

Xavier Wang.