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On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Han Zheng <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm currently using Lua 5.1.5, and I have some lua codes compiled into
> bytecode on Mac,and need to be loaded on windows. But, when I tried to load
> file on windows, it's throwing my error state "bad header in precompiled
> chunk". So, I'm wondering if the compiled bytecode is compatible on osx and
> windows.
> Note: i can load those bytecodes on windows if I compile them on windows as
> well.
> Thanks!
> Mike

No, bytecode generated by PUC-Rio Lua is not compatible across
platforms or Lua versions. (This is in contrast to LuaJIT, where its
bytecode is compatible across platforms, but not necessarily across

/s/ Adam