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> Am 15.03.2016 um 17:24 schrieb Peter Hickman <>:
> I'm running Lua 5.1.3 on OS X 10.11.3. The application in question is mostly database work using luasql.postgres
> Every now and then I get something like:
> lua(45734,0x7fff7ab92000) malloc: *** error for object 0x10001f6c0: pointer being freed was not allocated
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> Abort trap: 6
> I suspect that this is only occurring when there is a large amount of data to process.
> Any suggestions as to how to handle this sort of situation (presently the process is being restarted repeatedly until all the data is processed and then the issue goes away).
> We could live with it but it bugs me.

If you are only using PostgreSQL, you might give a try.  It is a much more complete solution for PostgreSQL, but only for PostgreSQL.

- Marc