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It was thus said that the Great ThePhD once stated:
> Dear. Mr. Conner,
> My main application is C++, and it embeds lua (though sometimes it
> relinquishes full control to a lua loop), so I needed something a bit
> strong to handle my needs.
> Thusly, Yes[1]. Given this lua code:
>     function f (num_value, a)
>         return num_value * 2, a:bark()
>     end
>     nested = { variables = { no = { problem = 10 } } }
> The following code will do (I believe) what you ask for, calling both a
> lua function and a C++ function with the (table-nested) lua variable and
> the C++ variable:
>     sol::function cpp_bark = lua["f"];
>     sol::function lua_bark = lua["g"];
>     sol::reference lua_variable_x = lua["nested"]["variables"]["no"]["problem"];
>     A cpp_variable_y;
>     std::tuple<int, int> cppresult = cpp_bark(lua_variable_x, cpp_variable_y);
>     std::pair<int, int> luaresult = lua_bark(lua_variable_x, cpp_variable_y);

  That's impressive.

  -spc (Thanks for the example)

> [1] And here's the code running: