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2016-03-07 15:07 GMT+08:00 Paul K <>:
> Hi Dirk,
>> Typed Lua is an extension of Lua. That is to say, any Lua program
>> is a valid Typed Lua program, but not vice versa.
> I discussed [1] briefly couple of extensions I implemented for
> TypedLua: (1) relaxed parsing [2] to make it more "forgiving" for
> invalid syntax (as I was planning to use it for validating the code as
> it's being typed) and (2) accepting TypedLua directives in comments,
> so one could write:
> --[[interface Shape
>   const new:(self, number, number) -> (self)
> end]]
> local Shape = require "shape"
> --[[const]] function Shape:new(x --[[:number]], y --[[:number]])
> print(self, x, y) return self end
> local shape --[[:Shape]] = Shape:new(10, 10)
> print(shape)
> I've tested integration with ZeroBrane Studio [3], but haven't stayed
> up-to-date with TypedLua changes.
> Paul.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

inline comment block is ugly and hard to input, so why not line-based
type comment?

--[[Shape : {
    new = const (self, number, number) -> (self)
local Shape = require "shape"

function Shape:new(x, y) -- already declared
    print(self, x, y)
    return self

-- shape : Shape
local shape = Shape:new(10, 10)

Xavier Wang.