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On 3/4/16 9:19 AM, Bruno Silvestre wrote:
LuaSec depends on OpenSSL, and integrates with LuaSocket to make it
easy to add secure connections to any Lua applications or scripts.

This version includes:

* Lua 5.2 and 5.3 compatibility
* Context module:
    - Add ctx:checkkey()
    - Add "any" protocol ("sslv23" is deprecated)
* SSL module:
    - Add conn:sni() and conn:getsniname()
* HTTPS module:
   - Using "any" protocol without SSLv2/SSLv3, by default
* X509 module:
   - Human readable IP address
   - Add cert:issued()
   - Add cert:pubkey()
* Some bug fixes


This is great news, happy to hear about support for 5.2/5.2. Thank you for your work!
