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On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 5:44 PM, Gary V. Vaughan <> wrote:
> A library binding various POSIX APIs. POSIX is the IEEE Portable Operating
> System Interface standard. luaposix is based on lposix.
> I am happy to announce release 33.4.0 of luaposix.  The biggest change in
> this release is that luaposix no longer contains the curses bindings,
> which have moved back into lcurses, so that each can maintain their own
> release cycle.  There are also fixes to most know bugs.
> luaposix's home page is at, with
> documentation at
> ## Noteworthy changes in release 33.4.0 (2016-02-27) [stable]
> ### Incompatible Changes
>   - posix.curses has been split back out into its own separate
>     project again.  If you want to upgrade your posix.curses using
>     project, something like the following minimal change will work
>     equivalently (assuming you have the new lcurses on your package
>     path):
>     ```lua
>     local posix = require 'posix'
>     posix.curses = posix.curses or require 'lcurses'
>     ```

require 'lcurses' doesn't work here.
require 'curses' works.

> ### New Features
>   - New `posix.stdio.rename` binding.
>   - New `posix.fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC` flag for `posix.fcntl.fcntl`.
>   - New `posix.fcntl.O_CLOEXEC` flag for ``, where
>     supported by the underlying system.  Falling back to FD_CLOEXEC is
>     an exercise to the caller, so that non-atomicity is surfaced:
>     ```lua
>     -- without error checking, for clarity
>     fd = ("/foo/bar", fcntl.O_CLOEXEC, stat.S_IRWXU)
>     if fcntl.O_CLOEXEC == 0 then
>       local flags = fcntl.fcntl (fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
>       fcntl.fcntl (fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, bit.bor (flags, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
>     end
>     ```
>   - New `posix.unistd.tcgetpgrp` and `posix.unistd.tcsetpgrp` bindings
>     where supported by host C library.
>   - `posix.sys.socket` AF_UNIX path handling improvements enable use of
>     Linux only abstract namespace sockets.
>   - Documentation links now point at the newer OpenGroup issue 7 specs.
> ### Bugs Fixed
>   - Workaround for
>     Predicate use of POSIX sched.h APIs on presence of sched.h, since glibc
>     defines _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING erroneously, and musl libc
>     provides the sched.h APIs but doesn't define _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING.
>   - `posix.sys.socket` AF_UNIX APIs pass path arguments by length
>     instead of terminating at the first \0 byte.
>   - `posix.unistd.readlink` no longer fails when reading a link to an
>     unsized buffer or character special device node.
>   - `execx` is no longer leaked into the global namespace after loading
>     the posix module.
>   - `examples/fork2.lua` works correctly again.
>   - `posix.timeradd`, `posix.timercmp` and `posix.timersub` correctly
>     handle tables from the modern thin wrapper API (posix.sys.time),
>     while retaining compatibility with the legacy compatibility wrappers
>     (posix.gettimeofday).
> Install it with LuaRocks, using:
>     luarocks install luaposix 33.4.0


Best regards,
Boris Nagaev