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2016-01-27 19:09 GMT+02:00 Stephan Hennig <>:

> A test shows that none of these functions, that
>    I'd consider part of "the table library", respect a table's __index
>    metamethod.
> -- A table with three entries.
> local t = { 1, 2, 3 }
> -- We add a fourth one that is accessible via
> -- the __index metamethod.
> local mt = {
>   __index = { [4] = 4 },
> }
> setmetatable(t, mt)

They do respect the __index metamethod, but the primitive
length calculation does not. Since you have failed to provide
__len, #t is still 3. The documentation

> mt.__index = function() return 4 end
> table.concat(t)

The manual does state clearly that "the table must be a proper sequence
or have a __len metamethod ". That's enough.