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I'm pleased to announce the new release of ZeroBrane Studio v1.30.

ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight Lua IDE with code completion, syntax
highlighting, remote debugger, code analyzer, live coding, integration
with various Lua engines, and support for Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and

The new version includes the following improvements (full details are
in the changelog [1]):

- Added `markers` panel to show and navigate bookmarks and breakpoints.
- Added saving/restoring bookmarks and breakpoints.
- Added breakpoint prev/next navigation (`Project | Breakpoint` menu).
- Added find/replace in selection to search operations.
- Added printing of editor tabs and Console/Output windows (Windows/OSX).
- Updated Corona API for v2015.2731 and added handling of type inheritance.
- Updated love2d API for v0.10.0.
- Updated several shortcuts, so you may want to check the
incompatibilities [2] section if you are a regular user.

This version supports integration with Redis [3] and Torch [4] for Lua

Installation packages for Windows, OSX, and Linux are available on the
project website: Thank you for your
patches, feedback, and support of the project!

