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I would like to announce some achivements with this IPython kernel:

I have added basic code for plotting allowing to be extended using new metamethods (ipylua_show and ipylua_toseries functions declared at the metatable). You can see this kernel interacting with APRIL-ANN (a toolkit for pattern recognition we are developing for 10 years now):

The documentation stills inexistent, I would like to document the current state of this kernel as soon as possibl. As always, any help will be wellcome :-) The code can be improved in several ways (sure)


On 5 October 2015 at 10:18, Paco Zamora Martínez <> wrote:
I have a mistake in my last email, IPyLua is being implemented for IPython v2.
So what exactly does this do? Let Lua use Python modules?

Before Jupyter, IPython was the named of a frontend for notebooks allowing mixing literate sentences with code and fancy outputs (as images, plots, etc.) This frontend was agnostic of the programming language, however its first kernel was for Python and they called it IPython. Currently, the frontend has been moved to project Jupyter. What I'm doing is continuing the work of Neomantra (lua_ipython_kernel) in order to make it work with IPython v2.

So, this project is a Lua kernel for IPython (not Jupyter), besides a simple API which allow Lua modules to extend the fancy functionality of this kernel, allowing plots, images, etc. Nevertheless, the project stills in development. You can see an example of the notebooks here:

Sent from my Game Boy.