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On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 12:00 PM, JM Venet <> wrote:
> Hello to whom it concerned,
> I'm a french devlopper on a financial plateform which accesses to world's
> financial markets.
> Currently , I programm with the TS2 plateform of the broker FXCM.
> When I programm some chart indicators, I need to ear a sound per example
> when the price reaches a certain value or with the indicator, when itself
> draws on the chart.
> on internet, I've seen that a DLL exists : lua-sound.dll .... but
> unfortunately I don't found it to download.
> for precision, I already use addon's by lua compaible DLL's such as lpeg.dll
> to obtain certains results on the programmed charts and it works well.
> My systems are all Windows 64 bits. (8.0 or .1 ; 10)
> Does someone give me a help for this.
> Sure I can obtain a response like "programm yourselves your own DLL" with
> the features you need :
> PLAY_SOUND ; STOP_SOUND ; LEVEL_SOUND Etc. Etc. which drives directly the
> sound system installed with Windows.
> But I don't know DLL's programmation ...
> Thanks for replying,
> Jean Marc Venet


I have found some libs:

1. winapi bindings by Steve J Donovan
It has beep() function.

os.execute("echo \7")
os.execute("echo \a")
This creates a short beep (using the speaker, not the beeper).

3. corona
--Loads the selected audio (make sure the name is the same as the .wav file)
local audio1 = audio.loadSound( "audio1.wav" )
--Plays the audio on any available channel (theres up to 32 channels)
local audio1Channel = audio1 )

4. proteaAudio

5. SDL

6. MUSHclient

7. openal-lua-ffi


Best regards,
Boris Nagaev