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After some discussions in this group, and suggestions from others, and even studying some nice code like this:, I went ahead and rewrote my lua-resty-validation 1.0.

"lua-resty-validation is an extendable chaining validation and filtering library"

Today I released new version 2.0. The big jump here is because this is a total rewrite. The library works nicely with plain Lua and LuaJIT and it doesn't have other dependencies. Some extension validators might have depencies on others' work or some specific platform, but in core there are no such dependecies.

There might be some quirks and bugs here and there, so all the feedback is welcomed. I would also like to hear "why wouldn't you ever use it" kind of feedback (aka is there something so wrong that you cannot stand it).

So without further discussion, head to the documentation:

(I cross-posted this also to openresty-en mailing list)
