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2015-09-25 3:59 GMT+02:00 Egor Skriptunoff <>:

> IMO, functions "math.max" and "math.min" should be removed from "math"
> library as they do not have anything common with mathematics anymore.

`max` and `min` are functions that operate on ordered sets.
These are perfectly respectable mathematical objects.

Previous versions of `max` and `min` operated on numbers.
The curiosity that the string "11" can in many places be used to
 mean the number 11 is a Lua peculiarity that is being phased out.
In 5.3 you can already disable it with a configuration option.

> As "min" and "max" are applicable now for any comparable
> objects in Lua, they are better suited for global namespace.

Although I do not accept the reason, I agree with the recommendation.
`max` and `min` are extremely basic operations that are needed