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It was thus said that the Great Stefano once stated:
> Hi All,
> Based on the previous feedback, I implemented friendly html reporting for
> your convenience.

  This is much nicer and way eaiser to understand.

> In general, there is not much you can do for the excluded cases.
> The failed ones (pass : no) are in general fixable, but sometimes
> cooperation among more than 1 maintainer might be needed (rocks contending
> the same module).
> As explained before, I am going to fix *some* of the contended module
> issues by myself where it makes sense (for instance: metalua-*).

  I still don't understand how "org.conman.errno" contends with
"org.conman.env".  Okay, I understand that you assume that both are part of
a module called "org" but that's incorrect.  It's *NOT*.  They are two
separate modules that happen to share a common prefix.  I'm guessing that
had I named them org-conman-env and org-conman-errno then there would be be
no issue, right?  But why, if they contain periods, are they suddenly one
module?  Even Lua treats them as individual modules:

> require "org.conman.errno"
> require "org.conman.env"
> require "org.conman.table"
> require ""
> require "org.conman.syslog"
> require "org.conman.math"
> require "org.conman.signal"
org.conman.signal-posix  table: 0x9579178   
string                   table: 0x955b618   
org.conman.table         table: 0x956eff8   
package                  table: 0x955ba50   
_G                       table: 0x955a450   
os                       table: 0x955d3c8   
table                    table: 0x955b100   
math                     table: 0x955df90   
coroutine                table: 0x955b718   
org.conman.syslog        table: 0x956f5e0   
org.conman.env           table: 0x9570ec0   
io                       table: 0x955cbc0   
org.conman.errno         table: 0x956cd20   
debug                    table: 0x955e990   
org.conman.signal        table: 0x9579178   
org.conman.math          table: 0x957c260           table: 0x95780e0   

  Yes, the dots are significant in that they label both a table (within Lua)
and a path (on the system) to where the module resides.  But that's (in my
opinion) an internal detail.  Yes, there are some modules where loading the
top level will load all the "sub-modules" (for lack of a better term) but
not all.  You cannot load "org" and get all my modules.  There *IS* no
module "org" (there is no module "org.conman" either).

  And your project shows *why* I went with namespacing my modules the way I
did.  You have "math-evol", but not "math-rugekutta" because the former
claimed the "Math" module.  And the only reason why "math-evol" didn't
conflich with "math-rugekutta" is because of the order you process the
modules.  *This* is where I can see a "contending module", because "Math" ==
"Math".  "org.conman.env" ~= "org.conman.errno".  You need to treat the
entire module name (dots included) as the name.

  You have "org.conman.env" listed as "org", which is wrong.  You have
"love-ora" listed as "ora", which is wrong.  You have a bunch of "lusty-*"
modules, which is correct, but you let that slide because it's a "flat"

  Sorry to harp on this, but how you determine "contending modules" is
partially broken.

  -spc (Don't worry, I have more comments ... )