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Am 05.09.2015 um 16:56 schröbte Dirk Laurie:
I have a Makefile for building in Linux but the instructions for
building in WIndows are comments in the INSTALL file that I have taken
on trust:

/* on Windows, define the symbols 'LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL' and 'LUA_LIB' and
  * compile and link with stub library lua52.lib (for lua52.dll)
  * generating xtable.dll. If necessary, generate lua52.lib and lua52.dll by
  * compiling Lua sources with 'LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL' defined.

I have no idea how to manipulate those into a form that will make
"luarocks install" work on a Windows system.

The rockspec I sent works[*] on Linux and Windows (MinGW and Visual C), and probably all other platforms supported by LuaRocks. No need to mess with internal Lua macros ...


  [*]: compiles and loads; haven't run any test code ...