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2015-09-04 3:02 GMT+02:00 John Smith <>:
> Hello Dirk,
> Thursday, September 3, 2015, 1:30:45 PM, you wrote:
>> for k,v in ipairs(t) do if type(v)=='table' then
>>    if v[1] then
>>       table.insert(t,k,v[1]); table.remove(v,1)
>>    else table.remove(t,k)
>>    end
>> end
>> Hint: it almost does what it should, but there is a bug.
> It skips an item in <t> after the previous item was a table and was emptied out.
> Right? Because it should.

What I thought I wrote was something that would "flatten" a table, i.e.
just string out the elements into a list, and the bug is that it can flatten
only tables in which subtables have at least one element in between.

The correct version, which also flattens nested tables, is:

for k,v in ipairs(t) do
   while type(v)=='table' do
       for j=#v,1,-1 do table.insert(t,k,v[j]) end
       v = t[k]