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Ok so this post is just a way to show the true beauty of Lua: there are MANY ways to do a thing.

First: Locals.

We technically don't need the local keyword, except that it's nice for block-level scoping.

Function-level locals can be declared on the function:

function f(l1, l2, l3, ...)
  l1, l2, l3, ... = nil
  -- Use l1, l2, l3, ... as locals

Modules can be done this way too:

return (function(f1, f2, f3, l1, l2, l3, ...)
  function f1(...) end
  function f2(...) end
  function f3(...) end
  return {f1 = f1, f2 = f2, f3 = f3}
end)(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, ...)

Second: The comma operator.

C has the comma operator. We can emulate it with "and" and "or".

x = (x or true) and (y or true) and (z) -- x = z

Or select.

x = select(-1, x, y, (z)) -- x = z

Third: Stacks.

There are 2 ways to do a stack object in Lua: Either you use tables (PITA), or you use coroutines: (code may or may not be correct - other examples available online)

local function stackinternals(op, x, ...)
  if op == "push" then
    local a, b = coroutine.yield()
    return stackinternals(a, b, x, ...)
  elseif op == "pop" then
    local a, b = coroutine.yield(...)
    return stackinternals(a, b, select(2, ...))
  elseif op == "peek" then
    local a, b = coroutine.yield(...)
    return stackinternals(a, b, ...)
function newstack(...)
  local co = coroutine.wrap(function(...)
    local a, b = coroutine.yield()
    return stackinternals(a, b, ...)
  return co

(It's also A LOT faster than a table-based implementation, and if done in-thread instead of using coroutines it's even faster!)


So what are your favorite ways to do something, and why do you like it?

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