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On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 11:29 AM,  <> wrote:
>> Quoting "Soni L." <>:
>>> With orif:
>>> ```lua
>>> local flag = false
>>> if i == 1 then
>>>     flag = true
>>> orif i == 2 then -- explicit fallthrough
>>>     print(flag)
>>> else -- default
>>>     print "Unknown!"
>>> end
>>> ```
>> Lua has elseif which is I think exactly the same:
>> local flag = false
>> if i == 1 then
>>     flag = true
>> elseif i == 2 then -- explicit fallthrough
>>     print(flag)
>> else -- default
>>     print "Unknown!"
>> end
>> Regards,
>>   Tobias
> No, elseif is totally different semantics, and elseif is exactly WHY I
> think orif is a bad idea: elseif only fires if an earlier condition
> wasn't true. orif looks syntactically like it ought to behave like
> elseif, but it doesn't.
> /s/ Adam

Points + AND - for being clever, though. This is one of the times when
I *feel* like I'm inefficient in lua:

local the_type = type(foo)

if the_type == 'table' then
  --- something
elseif type == 'number' then
--- blah


or some other/better example. I don't know if it *is* slow, however.
I'm not qualified to judge `orif` innovative or otherwise, but given
the volume of Sonic's proposals, I was surprised to find myself
intrigued by this one. FWIW
