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The following "proposals" are just for fun.

1) A must-have "dont" statement :-)

   -- code inside dont..end block will be skipped
   -- useful for easy commenting do..end block

"dont" is also applicable to any block: if, while, for, multiline assignment, function definition, etc.

dont if ... then -- this condition will not be evaluated
   -- this code will be skipped
   -- this code will be skipped too

"dont" statement acts as --[[...]] comment, but only for a single statement inside
When using "dont" we do not need to search for a place where very long statement ends, so using "dont" is more easy than --[[...]]
The "dont...end" is a syntactic sugar for "dont do...end"

2) Famous "comefrom" operator as the opposite to "goto"

comefrom label1, label2, label3

is equivalent to

goto label0
goto label0
goto label0

3) Labels are considered to be first-class citizens

local my_label = Label1  -- assigning a value of type "label" to a variable
-- Now "goto" operator gets its real power!
goto my_array_of_labels[where_do_you_want_to_go_today]
-- And of course the same is true for "comefrom" :-)
comefrom get_some_labels()
-- it is equivalent to "comefrom label1, label2,..."
-- where label1, label2,.. are values returned by LAST invocation of get_some_labels()
-- "comefrom" without labels is valid (it just does nothing useful)

4)  Program can modify its own body using methods of labels
A label is a "bookmark" between statements in a program (or before first statement or after last statement)
A label may be named (defined at compile time) or unnamed (created at runtime)

-- standard library function to create unnamed label just before current statement
local here = labels.this_label()
-- create label just before some_func invocation
local previous_some_func_invocation = here:search_nearest("backward", "call", "some_func")
-- replace "some_func()" with "another_func()" in the program body
-- go to unnamed label
goto previous_some_func_invocation

The source of craziness:

-- Egor