On 23/06/15 03:09 PM, Sean Conner wrote:
It was thus said that the Great Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo once stated:co = coroutine.create(function() print"test" end) ... Can we get a thread metatable?debug.setmetatable(co,{__len=function(thread) return "abc" end}) print(#co) --> abcI think the OP wants debug.setmetatable(co,{__index=coroutine}) so that he can say co:resume().Or debug.setmetatable( co, { __call = function(co,...) return coroutine.resume(co,...) end } ) so that we can say co() -spc
And how do you get the status with that? Not co:status(), that wouldn't work... -- Disclaimer: these emails are public and can be accessed from <TODO: get a non-DHCP IP and put it here>. If you do not agree with this, DO NOT REPLY.