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Hello, Dmitriy

On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Dmitriy Kryuk <> wrote:
> I have written a quick and dirty Lua binding for libreadline with limited
> line completion support. It's provided as a FreeBSD port, but it should be
> easy to figure out how to build it as a standalone library.
> Download at:
> Mirror:

Looks good!

Could you import it to Github, please? RGhost uploads are removed
eventually and FTP is becoming more and more historical protocol...

> It provides two ways of completion management:
> 1) A table of strings
> 2) A generator function
> A table of strings is considered unsorted and is searched for strings
> beginning with the already typed-in prefix. A generator function gets the
> typed-in prefix and must return an iterator of matching strings. The strings
> are displayed in the iterator order and are not obligated to begin with the
> provided prefix.
> It's called like:
> local readline = require "readline"
> result = readline.readline("Prompt: ", {"Completion1", "Completion2", "Other
> completions"})
> -- or
> result = readline.readline("Prompt: ", generator_function)
> The generator function can be like:
> function generator(prefix)
>      local suffixes = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y"}
>      local i = 0
>      return function()
>          i = i + 1
>          return prefix..suffixes[i]
>      end
> end
> The library's current limitations are:
> 1) It doesn't save or restore libreadline state. In particular it interferes
> with the interactive Lua shell.
> 2) It doesn't support libreadline key binding or functions
> 3) It supports only one completion generator or array and allows to type in
> more than one word of the same set.
> Probably I shall provide some usage examples in a while. I would be glad to
> see it converted to a more appropriate distribution form, provided with
> documentation and developed further.

Similar software:

1. luaprompt. An embeddable Lua command prompt as well as a
stand-alone interpreter with pretty-printing and autocompletion. It
can save history and has many configuration options. [1]

2. readline.lua, a simple interface to the readline and history libraries [2]



Best regards,
Boris Nagaev