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- Subject: Re: [ANN] phpass password hashing for Lua
- From: Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <lhf@...>
- Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 08:28:24 -0300
> LuaCrypto fails to build against Lua 5.3.
For the record, lcrypto.c compiles fine under Lua 5.3 with -DLUA_COMPAT_5_2.
It also compiles fine under Lua 5.3 without -DLUA_COMPAT_5_2 if you
change this single line in lcrypto.c:
< size_t count = (size_t)luaL_checkint(L, 1);
> size_t count = (size_t)luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
I've tested this with LuaCrypto from
Indeed, ./configure did not work for me under Mac OS X: it complained
about failing to find pkg-config for Lua. But the simple commands below
built crypto.so:
cc -c -DLUA_COMPAT_5_2 -Wno-deprecated lcrypto.c
cc -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -o crypto.so lcrypto.o -lcrypto