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On 5 April 2015 at 14:36, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:
>> 1. I think it is invalid for a C function to amend the stack beyond
>> what it is given to it - but I see that there is only an assert to
>> this effect which obviously is an optional check. My question is why
>> is this check an assert and not something stronger like a runtime
>> check?
> (I am not sure I understood your concept of "stronger", but anyway...)
> C is a different world from Lua. Almost anything can go very wrong, and
> most of these things are uncheckable. For instance, there is no way to
> check that a lua_State passed as the first argument to any API function
> has not been closed. Moreover, we assume that C code in Lua libraries
> are more stable and more well tested than regular Lua code. In the end,
> we think it is not worth to pay a performance price for this somewhat
> "illusion" of safety.

Ok, understood.

>> 2. Functions like luax_move() that copy stack values - are there use
>> cases where such functions could amend the values in local variables
>> of a Lua function? I take it that the Debug API would allow this to
>> happen - but is there any other scenario where this can happen?
> No. Only the debug API can interfere with other function's stuff.

That's very helpful to know - thank you!

>> 3. Is it the case that all other APIs go via the core API in lapi.c,
>> so that if I focus on this then it will resolve any issues with the
>> rest of the APIs?
> All API go via the core API, but not all the core API is in lapi.c.
> There are a few functions in ldo.c and some in ldebug.c. **All are
> clearly marked with *LUA_API***. No function without a LUA_API should
> ever be called from outside the core. (No function with a LUA_API
> should ever be called from inside the core, too; this rule is being
> broken sometimes, but in very controled ways ;-) Anyway, it does not
> concern us here.).

Excellent - really appreciate the insight. Working with Lua is so
rewarding exactly because everything seems to have been carefully
thought through.
