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There are 64 bits identifiers out there which have to be preserved.
We currently still resort to hex-strings.

On 03/13/2015 04:21 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
That does look interesting, although we’d have to check whether it
is possible for us to switch to LuaJIT. The last time I looked at it
that was not possible for lack of 64bit integer support (unfortunately
Lua’s default numeric type “double” is not at all appropriate
to our applications, and our Lua 5.1 is configured to use int64_t
instead, something that Lua is well designed to handle). However it
seems that in the meantime LuaJIT has gained support for some boxed
64bit integers, which might be good enough if well integrated…
(Out of topic) Can you give a brief explanation about why you need
64bit integer support? (I am writing something about the introduction
of integers in Lua 5.3, and it would be good to have some more concrete
examples of why people need 64bit integers.)

-- Roberto