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2015-03-25 15:37 GMT+02:00 Andrew Cagney <>:

> Lua 5.3.0  Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
> First, here are some bits from the manual:
> Coercions and Conversions
> [...], the string is converted to an integer or a float, following its
> syntax and the rules of the Lua lexer.
> Lexical Conventions
> A numeric constant with a fractional dot or an exponent denotes a float;
> otherwise it denotes an integer.
> so working backwards:
> 0 and 1 both get parsed by the lexer as integers.
>> print(0+1)
> 1
>> print(math.type(0+1))
> integer
> tonumber() also parses "0" to an integer:
>> print(tonumber("0")+1)
> 1
>> print(math.type(tonumber("0")+1))
> integer
> yet without the explicit conversion it ends up as a float:
>> print("0"+1)
> 1.0
>> print(math.type("0"+1))
> float

There was a full discussion on this at about the rc1 stage, but I am
not a good looker-up of archives. The basic point is that Lua does
not have coerce-to-integer, only coerce-to-number, whatever
default number is (it can be configured to have no floats). However,
tonumber is an explicit conversion, not a coercion, and parsing is