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On 23 March 2015 at 15:41, Sérgio Medeiros <> wrote:
> LPegLabel is an extension of the LPeg library that provides an
> implementation of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) with labeled
> failures.
> The current implementation of LPegLabel is a conservative extension of
> LPeg 0.12.2.
> You can download the source (and some documentation) from GitHub:

Consider yourself encouraged to upload a rock of it to!

Tag a release in your repository

git tag v0.12.2
git push --tags

Then you can use the rockspec for lpeg as a basis:

Once your tag is up, you can point to your repository in the URL of
the rockspec:

source = {
   url = "git://",
   tag = "v0.12.2",

Then, create your account at and then upload your rockspec with

luarocks upload lpeglabel-0.12.2-1.rockspec


-- Hisham