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A library binding various POSIX APIs, including curses. POSIX is the IEEE
Portable Operating System Interface standard. luaposix is based on lposix
and lcurses.

I am happy to announce release 33.3.1 of luaposix.

33.3.0 was DOA, so I removed it from moonrocks, in addition to fixing the
packaging problem in 33.3.0, this release includes all the improvements
from that release, also included in the NEWS extracts below.

luaposix's home page is at

## Noteworthy changes in release 33.3.1 (2015-03-01) [stable]

### Incompatible Changes

  - The briefly lived `posix.system` API has been removed.  It was renamed
    to `posix.spawn` shortly after introduction, and can still be accessed
    by the new symbol name.

### Bugs Fixed

  - `local posix = require "posix"` works again, fixing the regression
    introduced in the last release.  The automated Travis checks have been
    improved to catch this sort of bug in future.

## Noteworthy changes in release 33.3.0 (2015-02-28) [stable]

### New Features

  - Improved documentation of `sockaddr` tables for `posix.sys.socket` calls.

  - New `posix.sys.socket.getsockname` binding.

  - Remove the `posix.bit32` library, and use Lua’s built-in `bit32` library.

  - Can now be linked against NetBSD curses, albeit with several functions
    not implemented by that library returning a "not implemented" error as
    a consequence.

  - New functions `popen`, `popen_pipeline` and `pclose` mimic the POSIX
    functions of the same name while allowing tasks to be Lua functions.

  - `fdopen` has been re-added, working on all supported Lua versions.

  - `execx` allows a Lua function or command to be exec’d; `spawn` is now
    implemented in terms of it.

### Incompatible Changes

  - The ncurses-only `KEY_MOUSE` definition has been removed from

### Bugs Fixed

  - `posix.sys.resource` only provides RLIM_SAVED_CUR and RLIM_SAVED_MAX if
    they are defined by the C library (which FreeBSD 10 does not).

  - `posix.dirent.dir` and `posix.dirent.files` now raise a Lua `error()`
    when unable to open the path argument, for orthogonality with `io.lines`.

  - Workaround for manifest key clash between `` and `posix.lua` in

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

    luarocks install luaposix 33.3.1